27-06-2022 - 29-06-2022

The village Teldara has a Thakarvasti with a population of around 250 people. There is a borewell source for water but no storage is available. As a result there was water scarcity in summer when it was most needed. Also a lot of water wastage was seen when drawing water from the borewell. RCP Katraj rose up to the need and constructed a water tank of 10000 liters capacity along with taps for dispensing the water without wastage. The tanks will also store enough water in summer when there is scarcity and low output of water from borewell. The superb humanitarian project in focus area of Water and Sanitation

Project Details

Start Date 27-06-2022
End Date 29-06-2022
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 250
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Rajgurunagar
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Special Projects, Water and Sanitation