21-05-2022 - 21-05-2022

RCP Katraj has always been in the forefront for doing service projects for SPECIAL Children. In continuation with global grants Saksham 1.0 (2017) and Saksham 2.0 (2022) , the club decided to get involved with more SPECIAL Children at Buddy Centre, a lifeskills learning centre at Sopanbag, Pune. Special therapeutic toys worth Rs. 73000/- were gifted to the centre. The toys would be helpful for the students in learning and practicing basic life skills and thus enhance their quality of living. It was a heart touching experience to interact with the kids during the donation program/

Project Details

Start Date 21-05-2022
End Date 21-05-2022
Project Cost 73000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 120
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Maternal and Child Health, Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention