President Blog

Greetings to One and All! I am happy to take over as President of Rotary Club of Pune Katraj for the year 2021-22, from the able hands of IPP Rtn. Kirti Bhansali.

I stand tall today, yet with all humility as I seek the blessings of my seniors in Rotary, Charter members and Past Presidents of the Club.

I am taking over as President in very difficult times. World over, there is fear of pandemic, economic slowdown, atmosphere of uncertainty coupled with ban on social meetings and lockdowns. This may  disturb weekly meetings and project activities.

However, whatever may be the circumstances we Rotarians rise to the occasion. Our club has already started online meetings and mega events at District and RI level are being conducted through video conferencing or webinars. Come what may, The Rotary Wheel never stops.

With the legacy and glorious tradition of 25 years of our club and your cooperation, participation and guidance I will endeavour to sail through these turbulent times. Our club has already adapted well to the online mode of meetings and till the time physical meetings at our regular venue are allowed we will continue to meet virtually.

Now let me elaborate on projects. Our club projects would be in tune with District and RI initiatives & guidelines. We would continue our ongoing projects like supporting education of Tribal girls at Hemalkasa, Blood donation, tree plantation and clothes donation.

Community service (Medical) and Foundation Team will be busy in preparations for proposed Global Grant Project , Saksham 2.0 - Voice and Speech Diagnostics & Rehab Clinic.

Our tradition of doing “E-waste collection, Food grain Collection” project will continue in this year too under Youth Avenue and we will focus on encouraging entrepreneurial spirit among our Rotaractors by giving inputs, covering technical knowledge, health and fitness, career opportunities in various fields to name a few.

Interact clubs will also be engaged to a large extent by way of competitions, online classes and RYLAs. Our district 3131 has overcome the challenges of travel bans and organised Virtual RYE. We continue to support the initiative by sending our annets on a virtual exchange.

Vocational team will continue the existing project of honouring eminent personalities from various fields with vocational excellence award. Industrial visits are also planned this year.

Existing projects of happy village at Mangdari, Happy School, adult literacy, teacher's training etc. under Literacy Avenue will continue. We will also work in synergy with other clubs for community service projects.

Our Club contributes to the Rotary Foundation every year and same would continue this year also with emphasis on “Every Rotarian Every Year” to the Foundation. Efforts will be taken to motivate the members to become Major Donors.

Our DARPAN is very well received by a varied audience. This year also DARPAN will keep us updating on RCPK projects, weekly meetings, activities, contests, RI news, etc along with certain other features.

Public Image team will ensure our club's presence in print media and social media.

Program committee would bring a feast of online and off line programmes for you. Let us resolve to turn challenges into opportunities and serve to change lives.

Rtn. Pushkaraj Mulay

President , 2021-22






P. I. Activity



4.2 Lakh

Project Cost



What we do

Rotary members belive we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world's
most persistent issue. Our 5,000+ members work together to :



clean water

Saving mothers
& children


Growing local

2020 Memories

Swipe through to see a few of our favourite moments from the 2020 Community program

Our Leaders

Sameer Prabhune


Milind Patil
