01-07-2021 - 07-04-2022

Rotary Club of Pune Katraj (RID 3131) lead by President Rtn. Pushkaraj Mulay has setup super speciality Voice and Speech Diagnostics and Rehab Clinic at Sasoon General Hospital, Pune. The facility setup as a CSR India Grant with CSR funds of Taikisha Engineering India Pvt Ltd, is estimated at INR 70 lakh and is FIRST of its kind in any government hospital across Maharashtra. The Voice and Speech clinic is a specialized comprehensive clinic with ultra-modern technology and trained specialists for diagnosis and management of voice, airway, swallowing disorders and laryngeal cancer rehabilitation. It brings technology par excellence and clinical experience together to harness them towards comprehensive patient care as far as voice and swallowing disorders are concerned. This project will cater to the diagnostic needs and management of Below Poverty Line and middle income socio economic background patients having 1. Voice and Speech disorder which include Teachers, Preachers, Hawkers, Street singers, Lawyers, Radio Jockey, Anchors etc. who develop voice disorder over a period of time due to their profession. 2. In general persons with Laryngitis, Vocal cord paralysis, Phonotrauma ( Cyst / Polyps & Nodules ) , Laryngotracheal Stenosis, Recurrent respiratory papilllomatosis , Vocal cord cancer , EARLY DETECTION of Larynx cancer will be benefited through this project. 5 Pune Rotary clubs, 5 international Clubs from 5 continents across the seven seas executed this mega project. The specialty clinic consists of equipments like Stroboscope for Video documentation of laryngeal anatomy along with its mechanical function and vocal cord vibrations as a painless office based procedure. Additionally it has a Microscopic for laryngeal surgeries, Flexible Nasopharyangolaryngoscope, High Definition Camera and Dr.Speech and Voice software with hardware. The project involves community outreach program which will includes awareness regarding voice and speech disorders (causes, symptoms, need for diagnosis and benefits / importance of the treatment) and that these can be cured by proper intervention at early stage. Society will be made aware of the facility available at Sassoon General Hospital for diagnosis and treatment of Voice and Speech disorders. Voice disorders, Vocal cord cancer and Larynx cancer, de- addiction awareness (like tobacco chewing, smoking etc which are the root cause of cancer) will be carried out in the community. Rotary club of Pune Katraj will organize the community awareness programs by involving various organizations like Hawkers, Coolies, Rikshaw drivers, Labour unions, Local government employee’s organization, Artist organization and professionals like general medical practitioners, lawyers, policemen etc. This project is the FIRST ever CSR Grant approved across entire India , under the new CSR India Grant program.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2021
End Date 07-04-2022
Project Cost 7000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5000
No of direct Beneficiaries 20000
Partner Clubs Rtn. Meera Bharvirkar (RCP Shaniwarwada), Rtn. Mahendra Chitte (RCP Sahawas), Rtn. Rathnakar Shetty (RC Koregoan Park, Pune), Rtn. Asis Ray (RC Poona Downtown) and Rtn. Vinayak Pethe (RCP Heritage)
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment