11-01-2019 - 26-01-2019

On 19th December we visited Umed Care Centre, Pune, an old aged bed ridden 40 patient's Care centre run by Dr.Mr.&Mrs.Powar and Founder Mr.Varude Patil. We found out their needs and did the planning for food grain donation project. We involved not only the members from our club but our Interact club from Muktangan school too. We collected more than 1100kgs of grains. We donated the grains and necessary items like ,tooth paste,Soaps, hair oil, Bedsheets, Reading Books, etc to Umed Care centre celebrating The Republic Day with them. The grains consist of mainly wheat, rice, jowar, Bajara, sugar, poha, rava, pulses, daals,Sabudana, salt, edible oil. We provided the brunch fellowship for 40 Patients and a staff of 20 serving there. 54 RCPK family members + guests, 1 RYE student from Brazil participated in the event.

Project Details

Start Date 11-01-2019
End Date 26-01-2019
Project Cost 90000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 208
No of direct Beneficiaries 60
Partner Clubs Muktangan Interact club of Rotary Club of Pune Katraj
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others