11-11-2023 - 11-11-2023

Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Milind & Secretarial announcements by Secretary Asmita. New Member Induction of 9 members was conducted by PP Prasad Gadkari. AG Sachin Deshpande gave introduction of DG Manjoo Phadke. DG Manjoo Phadke addressed about Rotary, benefits of being a Rotarian along with appreciation for our club and guidance for new Rotarians. Then the meeting was handed over to MOC Rtn Arati & Rtn Aruna who conducted Swarsaaj - program of songs by our 16 club members. Vote of thanks was proposed by PE Sameer Prabhune. Our Rotaract club was present with maximum Rotaractors. All members enjoyed tasty fellowship by Rtn Viraj & Sampada Dravid. Dress code for Ladies was Jari Saree & traditional dress for Gents.

Other Activity Details

Start Date 11-11-2023
End Date 11-11-2023
Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 260
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category -