02-12-2023 - 02-12-2023

Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Milind & Secretarial announcements/Rotary Information on Definition of Rotary by Secretary Asmita. Weekly quiz winners - Rtn Vaishali Lupane, PP Dhananjay Hirwe, Ann Ketaki Sindekar were felicitated. Then the MOcs Annets Nakshatra Dinkar & Varada Dravid took over for compering of Annet’s night. It started with the fun game of Dog and Bone for all the annets. Then first beautiful dance performance by Annet Avani Bharati was followed by Annet Ahana Nagpurkar’s fantastic speech on why she wants to become a lawyer. Then Rtr Aksha Kulkarni presented a fabulous song which was followed by another fun game Zip Zap. Then Annet Ahana presented another beautiful dance performance. Master Omkar Prabhune specially presented recorded singing performance from abroad. It was time for a fantastic game of ROMB thereafter. This was followed by a unique Shark Tank Pitch (conceptualised by Rtn Nukul Dinkar) anchored by Rtr Aroh Dinkar which was participated by Rtr Aksha Kulkarni, Rtr Anvita & Ashwath Nerurkar and judged by PP Anant Tikone & Rtn Uday Thatte. Vote of thanks was proposed by Rtn Nukul Dinkar. Our Rotaract club was present with maximum Rotaractors. All members enjoyed tasty fellowship by PP Ajit & Suchitra Kulkarni. Dress code for Ladies was jeans and colourful top & for Gents was jeans and shirt or tshirt.

Other Activity Details

Start Date 02-12-2023
End Date 02-12-2023
Cost 6000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 200
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category -