11-05-2022 - 22-06-2022

RCP Katraj has always been in the forefront for doing service projects for SPECIAL Children. In continuation with global grants Saksham 1.0 (2017) and Saksham 2.0 (2022) , the club decided to get involved with more SPECIAL Children at Buddy Centre, a lifeskills learning centre at Sopanbag, Pune. Special therapeutic toys worth Rs. 73000/- were gifted to the centre. The toys would be helpful for the students in learning and practicing basic life skills and thus enhance their quality of living. It was a heart touching experience to interact with the kids during the donation program

Other Activity Details

Start Date 11-05-2022
End Date 22-06-2022
Cost 73000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 80
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Category Others