Valentine's Day Celebration

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 15 Feb 2025
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Valentine's Day Celebration
Meeting Agenda 8.00 - 8.01 pm Meeting Called to Order 8.01 - 8.05 pm National anthem 8.05 pm Welcome 8.05 - 8.10 pm Secretarial Announcements: District Information. Rotary Information. Birthdays: February 11 – Annet Siddharth Shah 12- Rtn Varsha Hirwe 12- Rtn Hemalata Bellad 12- Annet Sanvi Shinde 13- Ann Swati Watwe 13- Annet Aryan Bajaj 15- Rtn Ketaki Sindekar Anniversaries: - 14 – Rtn Ajit and Ann Suchitra Kulkarni Next Meeting: 22 February Today’s Fellowship – By Rtn Vikas and Ann Arti Waghmare 8.10 - 8.15 pm President review Felicitation 8.15 - 09.00 pm “Valentine Day Special” 09.00 - 09.05 pm Vote of thanks
Chief Guest NA
Club Members Present 17
Minutes of Meeting Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements by Secretary Elect Asmita. Then program was handed over to Rtn Nukul & Madhura Dinkar who conducted interesting & funny games like couple musical chair, pass the action, couple to praise about their spouse, tennis between couples etc for present couples and singles too. All members enjoyed the games very much. All members enjoyed tasty fellowship by Rtn Vikas & Aarati Waghmare. Dress code for Ladies & gents was red colour dress.