Millets for a nutritious Diet

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 18 Jan 2025
Meeting Time 20:00:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Millets for a nutritious Diet
Meeting Agenda 8.00 - 8.01 pm Meeting Called to Order 8.01 - 8.05 pm National anthem 8.05 pm Welcome 8.05 - 8.10 pm Secretarial Announcements: District Events Birthdays: 16 - Annet Ashwin Paigude Guests: Shri. Satish Bagal and Sou. Archana Bagal. Next Meeting: 25 January: DG Visit Today’s Fellowship – By Rtn Milind and Ann Mugdha Kulkarni 8.10 - 8.15 pm President review Felicitation 1.Anna Santosh Katre – and 2.Ann Hema Bellad Both bagged respectively 2nd and 3rd price in RCP Kothrud’s Geet Gayan Spardha. 3.Anna Pandit Palange – On 11 january 25 he was awarded “Vastu Maha Meru” citation in 8th National Conference of Astrology and Science of Architecture, Aurangadab. 8.15 - 09.00 pm Lecture on “importance of Millets for a nutritious diet” by Dr. Jayashree Nalkar Intro of Speaker by Rtn Asmita Patil 09.00 - 09.05 pm Vote of thanks
Chief Guest Dr Jayashree Nalkar
Club Members Present 28
Minutes of Meeting Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements by Secretary Milind. Following felicitations were done: Anna Santosh Katre and Ann Hema Bellad for winning 2nd and 3rd prize in RCP Kothrud’s Geet Gayan Spardha, Anna Pandit Palange for receiving “Vastu Maha Meru” citation in 8th National Conference of Astrology and Science of Architecture, Aurangabad. Chief Guest Dr Jayashree Nalkar was introduced by Rtn Asmita Patil. Dr Jayashree explained about types of Milets, nutritions % in different types of Millets, different Millet products, use of Millets to cure critical illnesses etc. Vote of thanks was proposed by PP Vidya Patil. All members enjoyed tasty Millet special fellowship by IPP Milind & Mugdha Kulkarni. Dress code for Ladies was black saree for ladies & black dress for gents. First Lady Deepa presented Sankranti waan to all ladies & Tilgul to all gents.