Business Meeting 2 & Birthday Celebration

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 31 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Electronic Industrial Estate Hall, Satara Road, Pune-37
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Business Meeting 2 & Birthday Celebration
Meeting Agenda
Chief Guest NA
Club Members Present 14
Minutes of Meeting Meeting started with review of last week activities by President Sameer & Secretarial announcements/Rotary Information on history of motto of Rotary by Secretary Milind. Condolence was followed for Rtn Uday Thatte's mother who expired on 25th August. President Sameer presented review of completed projects in August & plans for September month for Service Project, Public Image, Vocational Service & Events. He also updated about SAR & District + Magazine Dues payment. Club Admin Director Rtn Pradeep reviewed about his avenue & appealed for sponsoring weekly club fellowship, Membership & IT Director Rtn Asmita informed about Club Awards in District Membership Seminar & appealed all present members to like & share club news on social media, Youth Director Rtn Kalesh updated about our club's first RYLA at Talegaon & Installation of Interact Club of Muktangan English School, Foundation Director PP Abhhey updated about Foundation donations recently received. PP Raut & PP Vidya suggested solutions regarding one year club fees in advance & fellowship requests respectively. Then traditional aukshan of Birthday Boys & Girls (PP Dr Mahajan & PP Vidya, Rtn Asmita) was done by Ann Chhaya Raut. After this, Rtn Pradeep conducted a short interview of all three of those with some interesting questions. Vote of thanks was proposed by PE Ajay. All members enjoyed tasty fellowship by Rtn Pradnya Gujar.