BOD Meeting 2

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 18 Aug 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Residence of PP Abhhey Bhise
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD Meeting 2
Meeting Agenda • Quorum check: Secretary Milind • Meeting called to order and welcome - President Sameer. • To approve Minutes of Last Meeting - President Sameer. • Taking note of RI &District communications and events, if any: President & Secretary. • Planning for the upcoming activities statement - President Sameer. • Projects Review by Directors for August 24 and plans for September 24 with tentative budget: Avenue Director Service Projects Rtn Vivek Kulkarni Club Administration Rtn Pradeep Sindekar Youth Service Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar Membership and IT Rtn Asmita Patil Public Image Director Rtn Ganesh Hadke The Rotary Foundation PP Abhhey Bhise Vocational Director Rtn Hemant Watwe Event Director Rtn Nukul Dinkar Treasurer Rtn Viraj Dravid • Counsellor’s Remarks: PP Pushkaraj Mulay • Any other point with the permission of chair. • Vote of Thanks: PE Ajay Kale
Chief Guest NA
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting 1. Confirmation of Quorum After ascertaining that the requisite directors were present to form quorum, the President welcomed all the directors. 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Board Meeting Minutes of the previous Board Meeting held on 21st July, 2024 were placed before the meeting and the same was read, confirmed. The President then transacted business of the Board Meeting as per the agenda laid before the meeting on the following items. 4. Review of Service Projects: The Service Projects Director Rtn Vivek Kulkarni informed that two of the Health Checkup Camps informed in previous meeting have been successfully completed: i) On 23rd July, 2024, Health checkup of Hamals was held at Hamal Panchayat Hall. There was good presence of beneficiaries and also club members were also there to volunteer. He informed that we need to take more efforts to bring more beneficiaries in the future camps. All agreed. ii) On 30th July, 2024, health checkup camp at Mahajan Hospital was also successfully completed. All the BOD members appreciated the efforts taken by Service Director in arranging and organizing the health checkup camps. Then a suggestion came that club may try for participating in the global grant project. After discussion, it was decided that such project be done in synergy with other clubs. Service Director then proposed that in “Warrior of the Month” initiative of the club, Dr. Parag Sahasrabuddhe of Sasson Hospital be felicitated for his commendable work in Plastic Surgery in the Sasson Hospital, which surgery is done free of cost for poor beneficiaries. All approved the proposal. Then review of previous infrastructure projects and experiences thereof, were discussed. Most of the members opined that wherever infrastructure related projects were done, either for schools or for the villages, the beneficiaries have not maintained it and the funds invested in the projects have been wasted and the beneficiaries have no remorse. The emotion and social responsibility with which such projects were undertaken, are not honoured by the beneficiaries. As a result, it was resolved as follows: “In future, no infrastructure projects will be undertaken by the club. The club will concentrate only on those projects, where school children and/or individual persons are direct beneficiaries, based on positive goal, the genuine need, sustainability and cost effectiveness etc.” 5. Review of Admin Director: The Admin Director Rtn Pradeep Sindekar informed that his committee is facing issues about timely response and willingness of members in hosting the fellowship for weekly meeting. After discussions, it was decided to take up the issue in next business meeting and appraise the members that it is their responsibility to host one fellowship and they must make choices of home made or caterer served fellowship and also their suitable dates in reasonable time. 6. Review by Youth Director The Youth Director Rtn Kalesh Nerurkar informed that on 17 & 18 August, 2024, a residential RYLA was conducted successfully in Bhegade High School at Talegaon. He said, the school management was very supportive and it provided food and tea from their part and showed willingness to provide further support. All showed satisfaction on the school support. All members then appreciated the efforts taken by Rtn Kalesh. Rtn Kalesh then proposed to hold training program for school teachers. It was unanimously approved and details to be worked out in the days to come. Rtn Kalesh then appraised the members about incoming installation programs of Interact and Rotaract clubs sponsored by our club. 7. Review by Membership Director The Membership & IT director Rtn Asmita Patil informed that formality of updating information about 3 new members in the District database has been completed. 8. Review by IT Director: The Membership & IT director Rtn Asmita Patil informed that all the pages of social media sites hosting our club information, have been duly updated with the recent projects and events and requested all the Directors to share, like and comment on these pages. 9. Review of Public Image Portfolio: For this avenue, the President informed that all 20 umbrellas purchased under Chhatrachhaya project, have been duly distributed to the eligible beneficiaries. 10. Review by the Rotary Foundation Director: (TRF) The TRF Director Rtn Abbhey Bhise stated that he is following up with, and encouraging, the members for generously donating for PHF. 11. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Rtn Viraj Dravid informed that formalities of Bank of India have been completed to update the change of signatories. He informed that the balance in the accounts as on 17/08/2024 are as follows: i) Trust A/c: Rs. 11,22,941/- ii) Club A/c: Rs. 5,16,205/- Rtn Viraj further informed that mobile number linked to the account has been updated. Previously, the mobile number of IPP Milind Kulkarni was linked. Now mobile number of Treasurer has been linked. 10. Vote of Thanks There being no other business, PE Rtn Ajay Kale then proposed Vote of Thanks and meeting was declared as over. The Meeting ended at 9.30 P.M., which was then followed by Diner Fellowship from the Host.